Summarizer API Documentation

The Summarizer API allows you to automatically generate summaries of text content with customizable options for length and format.

API Endpoint



Authentication requires a valid API key. Include your API key in the request headers.

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
text string Yes The text content to be summarized. Must be at least 10 words long. Maximum word limit is 5000 words.
mode integer Yes Summarization mode: 1 for standard (uses mini model), 2 for advanced (uses full model).
percentage integer No Controls summary length on a scale of 1 to 6. Default is 4. See details below.
type string No Optional parameter to specify the summary format. Options: summary_2, bullets, or best_line. If not provided, a default summary will be generated.

Summary Length Control

The percentage parameter (1-6) controls how much of the original text will be retained in the summary. The higher the number, the longer the summary will be.


Basic Summary Request With type (optional)

  "mode": 1,
  "text": "Your long text here...",
  "percentage": 3,
  "type": "summary_2"

The type parameter allows you to control the format of the summary output:

  • When omitted: Returns a standard summary
  • summary_2: Returns an alternative summary format in headings and points
  • bullets: Returns the summary as bullet points
  • best_line: Returns the single most important line from the text

Response Format

Successful Response

  "result": "Summarized text content..."

Error Response

  "error": "Error message"

Or for authentication/subscription errors:

  "type": "invalid_request",
  "message": "you are not premium for this request"

Invalid API key in the request headers:

  "type": "invalid_request",
  "message": "incorrect API key provided"

Common Errors

Status Error Description
401 incorrect API key provided The provided API key is invalid or missing.
401 you are not premium for this request Your subscription plan doesn't allow this request or has expired.
422 Validation Error Invalid parameters were provided.
422 Text exceeds word limit The input text is too long.
422 Text must be greater then 10 words The input text is too short.
429 Too Many Requests The rate limit of requests per minute depends on your plan.
500 An unexpected error occurred Internal server error.


For technical support or questions about the API, please contact [email protected].